

2023-08-11 05:07
奇迹男孩电影中有哪些经典台词以及名句 奇迹男孩电影?
1个回答 2023-04-11 04:08
奇迹男孩(英文名:The Impossible Girl)是一部2014年上映的美国电影由莉莉·沃卓斯基(Lilly Wachowski)和拉娜·沃卓斯基(Lana Wachowski)执导。以下是这部电影中的一些经典台词和名句: 经典台词: 1 You can't make everyone happy just try to make yourself happy - Lily 2 I'm not afraid of failure I'm afraid of not trying - Lily 3 It's not about who you are it's about who you can be - Eagle 4 You can't change the past but you can change the way you look at it - Lily 5 The most important thing is not to let fear control you but to let your heart lead you - Eagle 名句: 1 The only thing you have to fear is fear itself -logo 2 You are not a good person because you have done good things you are a good person because you have done good things - Eagle 3 Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get - Lily 4 If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together - Eagle 5 You can't always get what you want but you can always get what you need - Lily 这些经典台词和名句都展现了电影中主人公们的勇气和智慧激励着观众不要放弃勇敢面对生活中的挑战。
1个回答 2023-06-13 18:51
言情小说推荐如下: 1《何以笙箫默》 2《庶女有毒》 3《步步惊心》 4《花千骨》 5《楚乔传》 6《庶女有毒》 7《三生三世十里桃花》 8《锦绣未央》 9《扶摇》 10《楚乔传》 以上是一些较为经典的言情小说希望对您有所帮助。
0个回答 2023-07-03 02:05
羽凡在快乐大本营 唱歌给白百合得和文章和白百合一起唱的 歌名都叫什么 谢谢
1个回答 2023-06-24 04:50
0个回答 2023-03-30 14:00
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