

2023-09-24 04:32
0个回答 2023-08-23 02:55
1个回答 2023-06-06 12:53
Hemingway also known as William Ernest Hemingway is a著名 short story writer from the United States He was born on January 19 1899 in Key West Florida died on October 18 1961 in Mobile Alabama Hemingway's work has been widely regarded as one of the most influential successful in the history of American literature Hemingway's early writing focused on sports popular culture he later转向了短篇小说 which he创作了大量的作品。 Hemingway's most famous works include For sale: baby shoes never worn (1929) The sun is out there (1931) To be or not to be (1952) The long hard way (1953) Hemingway's writing is characterized by its use of clear concise language his attention to the人物的心理和人性。 Hemingway's work has been widely praised for its analysis of human behavior its portrayal of the struggles of everyday life。 Hemingway's legacy continues to influence literature popular culture today he is widely regarded as one of the greatest short story writers of all time。
1个回答 2023-04-02 05:47
类似于《低俗小说》这样的好看的电影有很多以下是一些推荐: 1 《昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的电影》(Quentin Tarantino's movies):除了《低俗小说》外昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的其他电影也非常值得一看例如《无耻混蛋》(Inglourious Basterds)、《被解救的姜戈》(Django Unchained)、《低俗小说》系列等等。 2 《黑色沙漠》(Black沙漠):这是一部由韩国导演朴赞郁执导的电影讲述了一个神秘组织的冒险故事。该电影具有紧张刺激的情节和出色的表演深受韩国观众的喜爱。 3 《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump):这是一部经典的电影讲述了一个智商不高的男孩的冒险故事。这部电影获得了多个奖项和提名是一部不容错过的电影。 4 《十二怒汉》(十二公民):这是一部关于法庭审判的电影讲述了一个陪审团的故事。该电影具有出色的表演和深刻的社会思考是一部经典的电影。 5 《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption):这是一部由弗兰克·德拉邦特执导的电影讲述了一个银行家在监狱中的生活。这部电影具有感人至深的情节和出色的演员表演被誉为电影史上的经典之作。 希望这些推荐能够提供帮助如果还有其他问题欢迎随时提出。
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