

2024-01-21 04:24
0个回答 2024-02-13 01:06
1个回答 2023-03-30 12:23
1 Twilight series by威廉·尤宾(William Ury) 2 First book: Twilight 3 Title: Twilight 4 author:威廉·尤宾(William Ury) 5 publication date: 2005-08-15 6 Language: English 7 Other languages: Yes 8 ISBN-13: 978-0-692-17019-3 9 ISBN-10: 0-692-17019-0 10 Title of the series: Twilight 11 Series title: Twilight 12 Verse 1: The sun was setting over the horizon A world of light and shadow was born A time of passion of love and pain The night was filled with the sound of our names Verse 2: The moon was shining bright A sign of hope and a promise of light A time of love of beauty and pain The night was filled with the sound of our names Verse 3: The stars twinkled brightly A world of wonder and a place of peace A time of love of passion and pain The night was filled with the sound of our names Verse 4: As the sun rises once more A world of light and shadow is born A time of passion of love and pain The night is filled with the sound of our names
1个回答 2023-06-25 04:14
好看的校园言情小说推荐如下: 1《何以笙箫默》 2《微微一笑很倾城》 3《庶女有毒》 4《致我们终将逝去的青春》 5《致我们终将逝去的青春》 以上小说都是完结的校园言情小说文笔细腻搞笑情节丰富故事结局美满。希望您能够喜欢其中的一本。
1个回答 2023-03-17 23:44
女主叫娉婷男主姓轩辕的小说古言宠文 《穿越之倾国倾城》 女主娉婷穿越到古代成为楚国的公主男主是轩辕皇帝两人相爱相救最终在一起。小说中不仅有浪漫的爱情故事还有惊险刺激的冒险和宫廷斗争。
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